Archive - January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020

December Principal's Newsletter

December 2, 2020

December Principal's Newsletter

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Gorgeous Gobblers!

December 1, 2020

Cushing Kindergarten families have been creating their Gorgeous Gobblers for over 30 years!  Here are this years beauties!

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Mt. Blue Swag Orders Due this Sunday

November 20, 2020

Just a reminder that orders for Mt. Blue Swag must be placed by Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 11:59pm. Check out the Flyer and Price List.

Follow this link to the online store -

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Health Notice #5 - Nov. 19, 2020

November 20, 2020

Please read this Important Health Notice from Superintendent Meserve. A compilation of all RSU 9 Health Notices will be posted here

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Health Notice #4 - Nov. 18, 2020

November 18, 2020

Please read this Important Health Notice from Superintendent Meserve. A compilation of all RSU 9 Health Notices will be posted here

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Updates to the RSU 9 Family COVID-10 Handbook

November 15, 2020

Please review the recent updates and clarifications to the RSU 9 Family COVID-19 Handbook. All updates and changes are highlighted in yellow. Please see pg. 8 for updates regarding traveling requirements and pg. 9-10 for clarifications on acceptable face coverings.

As always, thank you for continuing to do your part in helping to keep our schools and communities healthy.

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RSU 9 Board of Directors Releases Public Statement

November 12, 2020

The RSU 9 Board of Directors released this public statement following their regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.


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Mt. Blue Swag - Place Your Order TODAY

November 10, 2020

Have you ever wanted to show your support for Mt. Blue Athletics but didn't know where to buy our swag? We've come up with the perfect partnership - Mt. Blue Athletics and Wight's Sporting Goods (of Hampden, ME) have teamed up to offer an online apparel store to sell Mt. Blue swag - and a percentage of each purchase will go directly to the Mt. Blue All-Sports Boosters. 

Now's the perfect time to…

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No School Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020

November 10, 2020

In observance of Veterans Day, there will be no school in RSU 9 on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020.

Thank you, Veterans, for your service, sacrifice, and support.Veterans Day

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No after school activities until further notice

November 7, 2020

Franklin County was recently designated as Yellow by the Maine Department of Education. This does not affect our learning model as we are currently in a hybrid model. However, there will be no after school programs and/or activities in RSU 9 until further notice.

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