Under the recently passed Paperwork Burden Reduction Act (H.R. 3797), effective for 2024 reporting, employers are no longer required to furnish paper copies of IRS Form 1095-C to employees.

In compliance with the new law, this notice on our website, is posted in a clear, conspicuous manner, reasonably accessible to all employees.

Mt Blue High School

School Profile


The School

Mt. Blue is a four-year, comprehensive high school serving approximately 700 students, and offers a variety of courses, programs, and levels of challenges. Students may choose courses ranging from a traditional college preparatory program to concentrations in business, art and/or technology. Students may also access comprehensive technology programs through the Foster Career & Technical Education Center, which is integrated within the same campus as Mt. Blue HS. Advanced Placement courses are offered in English Literature, English Language, Calculus AB, Physics B, Statistics, US History, European History, Art, French and Spanish. Since 1995, classes have been offered on an alternating eighty-minute block schedule, which allows for an eight period schedule over two days.

The Community

Farmington is located in the foothills of rural, west-central Maine. The school district, Mt Blue Regional School District, comprises ten towns including Farmington, Wilton, Industry, New Sharon, Chesterville, Starks, Temple, Weld, Vienna, and New Vineyard, a geographic area of over four hundred square miles. Farmington is the county seat of Franklin County and is the home of the University of Maine at Farmington. Major employers in the area include the university, Franklin Memorial Hospital, Poland Spring Water, Verso Paper, and the school district. Forestry and agricultural-related industries are also an important part of the local economy.

Co-Curricular Activities

Athletic teams include Football, Cross Country, Golf, Field Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Cheering, Alpine and Nordic Skiing, Wrestling, Baseball, Softball, Track & Field, Tennis, and Lacrosse. Additional activities include Franklin County Fiddlers, Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, GSTA Club, Interact Club, Civil Rights Team, Robotics, Theatre, Dirigo Boys and Girls State, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Student Council, Skill’s USA, Tri-M Music Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Writer’s Club, International Club, and Curtain Raisers (improvisational comedy).

Graduation Requirements

24.0 Carnegie units are required and include core course requirements of 4 English credits, 3.5 social studies credits, 3 math credits, 3 science credits including biology, chemistry and physics, 1 credit of fine arts, .5 credit of health, 1.5 credits of PE, and .5 credit of a career prep component.

  • COVID 19 Credit and Grading adjustments for the 19-20 school year. Semester 1: No change. Year: Disproportionate average of Semester 1 and Quarter 3 scores, no recorded grade for Semester 2. Semester 2 Courses: Pass/Fail, with a minimum score of 60 for Pass.
  • During the 2017-18 school year, students were assessed on a proficiency scale of 1-4. It was then converted to a 0-100 scale or Pass/Fail.

Course Difficulty

Core academic courses are designated by the ability levels of Advanced Placement, Honors, College Preparatory (CP – designed for a four-year college or university preparation), College Preparatory Intermediate (CPI – designed for four-year college or university preparation as well as two-year community and/or technical college preparation), and Applied (basic level courses covering essential material in a specific discipline). MBHS students are not limited in what level of challenge courses they choose and may be enrolled in a variety of levels of classes at any one time.

Rank in Class/GPA

The grade point average is unweighted and is determined by averaging grades in all subjects with the exception of pass/fail courses. Class rank, however, is a weighted calculation, with AP courses weighted at 1.08%, and Honors courses weighted at 1.05%.

Grade Scale: 100 – 90 = A 89 – 80 = B 79 – 70 = C 69 – 60 = D 59 – 0 = F

Credit and GPA Recovery

Students who have failed a course may attend our Extended Year Program (EYP) through the summer in order to recover credit.

Reporting of disciplinary violations and/or criminal history

Due to the wide variance and significance of disciplinary issues, and the inconsistent knowledge of student criminal history we do not report this information out on college applications.

Mt Blue graduates for the past two years have been accepted to the following four-year colleges and universities:

Bates College
Beloit University
Bentley University
Bob Jones University
Boston College
Boston University
Brandeis University
Bryant University
Champlain College
Clark University
Clarkson University
Colby-Sawyer College
Connecticut College
DePaul University
Eckerd College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Franklin Pierce University
George Washington Univ.
Grand Valley State Univ.
Husson University
Indiana University
Institute of Culinary Educ.
Johnson & Wales
Keene State
Kent State University
MA College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Maine Maritime Academy
MA College of Liberal Arts

Merrimack College
Michigan State University

Montana State University
NC State University
New England College
NJ Institute of Technology
Northeastern University
Ohio State University
Penn State University
Plymouth State University
Post University
Purdue University
Quinnipiac University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rochester Institute of    Technology
Saint Michael's College
Smith College
Southern NH University
St. Lawrence University
Stony Brook University
Suffolk University
Syracuse University
Taylor University
Thomas College
U of Alabama
U of California, Davis
U of California, Irvine
U of California, Riverside
U of California, San Diego
U of Cincinnati

U of Connecticut
U of Maine - Farmington
U of Maine - Fort Kent
U of Maine - Machias
U of Maine - Orono
U of Maine - Presque Isle
U of Massachusetts
U of Missouri
U of New Brunswick
U of New England
U of New Hampshire
U of New Mexico
U of North Dakota
U of Nottingham, UK
U of Portland
U of Rhode Island
U of South Carolina
U of Southern Maine
U of Toronto
U of Vermont
U of Victoria
U of Washington
U of Wyoming
UMass - Amherst
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Western Michigan University
Westmont College
Wheaton College
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Notice of Non-Discrimination: MBHS/FTC does not discriminate in its education & employment programs on the basis of race; color; national origin; sex; marital or parental status or disability and complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (34 CFR Part 100), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (34 CFR Part 106), Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (34 CFR Part 104), Americans’ with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Maine Human Rights Act. Inquiries regarding Title VI or Title IX may be made to RSU 9's Affirmative Action Officer / Title IX Coordinator, Katherine Duchesne, at 207-778-3511. Inquiries regarding Section 504 and ADA may be made to RSU 9's Section 504 / ADA Coordinator, Jennifer Ladd, at 207-778-3031.