Some concerns swirling around our community!

Categories: Academy Hill, Campus, Cape Cod Hill, Cascade Brook, District, G.D. Cushing, High School, Middle School, W.G. Mallett

September 13, 2022

Good afternoon,

Over the last 24 hours, some concerns have been brought up within our communities about a poster that is displayed in the guidance offices at both Mt. Blue High School and Mt. Blue Middle School. Those originally contacting us feel that the poster called Gender 101 was not age-appropriate, believe it to be part of a curriculum being taught in our schools, and that the poster is a teaching tool being forced upon students in RSU 9.

This concern originally came to our Board's attention about a month ago. We did a thorough review and I found that these concerns are not true. In fact, the poster came from well-regarded resources supported by the Maine Dept. of Ed. and that the poster is informational and age-appropriate. Based on this review I determined that it should not be taken down.

To give you a complete understanding of the review that was completed I have attached the review I completed and shared with our School Board at the end of August.

My best,
Christian M. Elkington, Superintendent RSU 9

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